I believe most people think of “fitness” and think about living a healthy lifestyle, however, I have long thought of it under a much broader context I call “Whole-Being Fitness.” In this episode I explain my concept of Whole-Being Fitness and why it’s so important to your productive life.
Let’s take the example of how Whole-Being Fitness works in real life. that I’ve decided to run a marathon in a few months. So, to prepare for the mental image of a successful marathon photograph of me crossing the finish line I need to think first about my physical fitness…cross-training along with my core endurance training, then working up to personal training milestones (which for me are 18 and 24 miles). Further, let’s look at the additional areas of Whole-Being Fitness as ways of making sure that I don’t put the cart before the horse. Mental Fitness clues me into how I intend to run this marathon. There’re several methods for running marathons, including the increasingly popular Galloway method. As well, what’s my mindset for finishing this marathon? Just finish, or am I trying to set a personal time record? Broadly, emotional and social intelligence fitness guides me in getting all of my running friends together so that I have support during training and potentially someone to run the marathon with me. They may also be folks to support me along the way so I can shed gear and get a snack as I make my way along the marathon course on race day. To be Nutrition fit I have to make sure I’m taking in enough calories and the right balance of macronutrients to fuel and replenish what my body is going to burn during cross-training and long runs. My Rejuvenating Fitness teaches me that I need self-care to motivate myself through short, medium and long-term rewards for getting across the finish lines of every training run. And the all important Sleep Fitness gives my body the needed rest for my body to recuperate from the punishment it’s going to take. Literally, if I don’t sleep properly three or four nights straight before my long runs, my running speed will suffer. Finally, Do you see how interwoven each area of Whole-Being Fitness is to your overall success? I cannot emphasize enough that I cannot work harder at only one of these Whole-Being Fitness areas to compensate the fitness lacking in another. I do so at my own detriment.
Although I used an endurance athletic event as an example, Whole-Being Fitness matters in every aspect of your productive life. The more fit you are in each area, the better your productivity.
// If you look at every aspect of your work and life productivity–every major work project, job role or personal goal–these seven fitness areas touch on your ability to perform in them interdependently and better. So, whether it’s learning to play an instrument better…to writing that next sales proposal…or passing that upcoming exam, you need to contemplate how Whole-Being Fitness can make achieving your goals and overcoming your challenges easier and more sustainable.